Seed Selection and Prospective Parent
Seeds superior bee in Indonesia there are two types of A. cerana (local) and A. mellifera (imports). Queen
bee is the core of the formation of colonies of bees, hence the
selection of superior types is intended that in a colony of bees can be a
maximum production. A. cerana queen capable of laying 500-900 eggs per day and A. Agen Judi Online mellifera queens capable of laying 1500 eggs per day. To get these seeds are now available three packets of seeds purchase bees:
package consists of one queen bee queen with 5 worker bees.
package consists of one queen bee with 10,000 worker bees.
packet core family consists of 1 queen and 10,000 worker bees nest complete with 3 strokes.
Seed treatment and Prospective Parent
Bees newly purchased specially treated. One day after being purchased, the queen removed and put into the prepared stup. During
the 6 days of the bees can not be bothered because it was in the period
of adaptation that is more sensitive to unfavorable environment. After that can be implemented for routine maintenance and care.
System Pemuliabiakan
Pemuliabiakan on is creating a new queen bee as a colony development. How common is already implemented is to manufacture artificial mangkokan for queen candidates are placed in strokes. But now it has developed artificial insemination on queen bee to get the prospective queen and worker bees superior. Pemuliabiakan bees has been successfully developed by KUD Batu Malang.
Reproduction and MarriageTaruhan Bola Online
In each colony there are three types of bees each queen bee, worker bees and drones. A
reproductive female sex worker bees who do not evolve so that does not
work, while the developing reproductive queen bee for reproduction and
functioning perfectly.
Mating season begins the process of interest occurs. Queen bees fly out of the nest followed by all the males who would marry her. Mating
occurs in the air, after mating the male sperm will die and will be
stored in the spermatheca (sperm sac) contained in the queen bee queen
then returned to the nest. During mating hive worker bees prepare for laying queen.
Hatching Process
After mating, the queen bee will surround the nest to search for cells that are still vacant in strokes. A single egg is laid in the bottom of the cell. Tube
containing the cell that has the eggs will be filled with honey and
pollen by worker bees and will be closed after the full film which will
be penetrated by adult occupants. To remove an egg it takes about 0.5 minutes, after issuing 30 eggs, the queen will break 6 seconds to eat. Tube type cells in strokes are:
Cells queen candidates, most large-sized, irregular and usually located on the edge of the nest.
Prospective stud cells, characterized by protruding cap and there is a black dot in the middle.
Cells prospective workers, small-sized, flat cap and the most numerous.
Spray, Spray Iodine, Neocidol 40 WP Powder (Ex Ciba Geigy repacking
Wonder), Quat - A - Mone, Neo Blue, VegarAgen Judi Bolaox Powder (Drug Lice).
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