Senin, 09 Juni 2014

How to grow crops.

. How to grow crops.1. Planting shade trees.Before planting in the first vanilla plants trees provide shade / protector and tree climbing.
For shade tree can also be used as well as tree climbing trees should be used that meets the following requirements:

Infomu1. Was not too dense.2. Countrymen legume which also can improve the situation and soil fertility.3. Having deep roots so it will not interfere with the vanilla plant roots.For shade trees / shade can be used like kapok tree, dadap, Mindi, Suren, lantoro and others. The best shade trees and can grow quickly is dadap tree, but because we need to hold leafy trimming.This shade trees should have been planted a year before planting vanilla, with the intention that already has leaves that are quite safe vanilla start planting.Shade trees planted at a distance of 1,5 x1, 5 meters.
1. Preparation of Soil.
1.1. Making Line
For the vanilla plantation land in advance for the wide strips of 80 cm and 1.50 m spacing between lines. Later on these pathways in plants dug holes with a size of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
1.2. Preparation of the planting hole

Joko warinoUpper soil excavation and digging down in a separate place on either side of the hole. Distance between holes of 1.50 x 1.50 m. The hole in the left open for 3-4 weeks to air the and after it closed again.
Each cover crops, manure or compost is given as much as 10-20 kg per plant protector.

2. P e m b i b i t a nVanilla can be multiplied by seed or cuttings of vines. For more quickly then planted with cuttings. The selection of seeds to be used as seed material must have properties such as:
- The trunk is healthy.- Age is old, about 10-15 years- High Production- The situation is fertile, strong and has a rapidly growing shoot tips.This plant in a well maintained and guarded in order not to produce fruit. With roads cut in order to keep issuing tendrils new branches will be in use cuttings seeds. Cuttings are having good books (sections) are located rather tightly to one another.Vines are still young and fertile and vigorous growth with a long shoot tip cuttings for the plant material is 50-75 cm and have eye / books and have a lifespan of less than 1 year, cuttings that would later be material / seeds used for nursery.
Cuttings can be planted directly in the wake obtained, or can also Seeding prior to planting in a fixed place of investment. In this case, made beds containing a mixture of river sand and soil or compost that has been cooked in a ratio of 1: 1 as thick as 40-50 cm. As the board is in use gravel or stone layer thick red ± 15 cm. Cuttings planted up to 2-3 ruasnya immersed in a mixture of sand and compost / soil (medium) ± 10 cm deep, and the distance between rows 25 cm. Under normal circumstances, the cuttings will grow after 3-4 weeks in the nursery / in perakarkan. Transfer to the garden can be done after the seedlings aged
Jasa SEO Terpercaya1-2 months.

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