Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

beternak turtles brazil

beternak turtles brazilTortoise brazil including the types of water turtles , though they were happy to bask in the sun.but living tortoise in brazil spend more on water .green color of this tortoise is making a lot of people interested and keep them.
Investasia business opportunity that is very menjajikan beterak tortoise brazil .well its simple food , keeping even his simple enough .
The first step that is providing a

container or an area for a minimum of tortoise is a large body of 6kali given 10 % land and 90 % water
for spawning pool , the majority of nesting turtles finished dish is at its normal size .
so the pool should be sized 2x3 with lock in the middle of the pool to limit the water and sand .
earned in the sand can reach the tortoise easily or you can provide a bridge to turtle up to the land of sand .
also earned the sand to dry and never wet.
and you can put 2 40watt light bulb above ground land that later would be used as egg laying by Tortoise , grow lights distance of 10cm above ground
choose good indukan

good ole 2tahun average age of
Her body looks plump and clean her shell
looks healthy and lively
indukan of goodTransmitted distinguish tortoises brazil

seeding and treatment

ideally in one pool there are 2 females and 1 male ,
water in the outdoor conditions should always flowing , even his small , not too heavy , so that the water is clean but too quiet

Obat pembesar Penis Vimax    provide healthy food and litter pools , such as spinach , crickets , pellets etc. .
earned according to the portion that does not leave a residue that can contaminate food pool .
if it is . Wait a few days, then just below the lamp or ar

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