Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Sex 04: 7 Nights 7 Seconds

Sex 04: 7 Nights 7 Seconds

     Two housewives GREATNESS is cool to talk about their husbands in bed:

SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA      Mom 1: "My husband is really great jeng you know, he was able to play in bed for 3 NIGHTS ... wah .. 3 HOURS, until I'm tired!"
     Mother 2: "Aahh ... it's up yet how jeng, even though my husband blind but he can play for 7 NIGHTS 7 SECONDS you know!"
     Mom 1: "ah, Yang Ko bu?"
     Mother 2: "Yeah, benerrr ... he nyari pit 7 pm, but the game just 7 seconds ..."
     Mom 1: "huh ...!!"

05 sex: DINNER

     There is another pair of newlyweds-lovingly intimate. One morning the husband was about to leave her office.

     Husband: Ma, I go first!

     Wife: Not breakfast?

     Husband: No, I'm not hungry!

     Then the husband tenderly kissed her lips and said, "This my breakfast!", His wife smiled. Because there is something left, in the afternoon behind her husband's house and met his wife again.

     Wife: What is behind the scar mas home?

     Husband: There's nothing left!

     Wife: Do not lunch?

     Husband: No, I'm still not hungry!

     Then the husband lovingly to his wife and kissing "(.) (.) It" (breast) and said, "This my lunch!" No wife happy happy mix. When the afternoon before the night her husband was back home, with a shock he saw his wife's behavior, then ask.

     Husband: "What are you doing!?", Because he saw his wife sitting on the rice cooker and hot live without panties. With his wife happy expression answer.

     Wife: Ngangetin dinner, mas! ...........
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06 sex: Because Of Viagra

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Seed Selection and Prospective Parent

 Seed Selection and Prospective Parent
Seeds superior bee in Indonesia there are two types of A. cerana (local) and A. mellifera (imports). Queen bee is the core of the formation of colonies of bees, hence the selection of superior types is intended that in a colony of bees can be a maximum production. A. cerana queen capable of laying 500-900 eggs per day and A.
Agen Judi Online mellifera queens capable of laying 1500 eggs per day. To get these seeds are now available three packets of seeds purchase bees:

package consists of one queen bee queen with 5 worker bees.
package consists of one queen bee with 10,000 worker bees.
packet core family consists of 1 queen and 10,000 worker bees nest complete with 3 strokes.
Seed treatment and Prospective Parent
Bees newly purchased specially treated. One day after being purchased, the queen removed and put into the prepared stup. During the 6 days of the bees can not be bothered because it was in the period of adaptation that is more sensitive to unfavorable environment. After that can be implemented for routine maintenance and care.
System Pemuliabiakan
Pemuliabiakan on is creating a new queen bee as a colony development. How common is already implemented is to manufacture artificial mangkokan for queen candidates are placed in strokes. But now it has developed artificial insemination on queen bee to get the prospective queen and worker bees superior. Pemuliabiakan bees has been successfully developed by KUD Batu Malang.
Reproduction and Marriage
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In each colony there are three types of bees each queen bee, worker bees and drones. A reproductive female sex worker bees who do not evolve so that does not work, while the developing reproductive queen bee for reproduction and functioning perfectly.
Mating season begins the process of interest occurs. Queen bees fly out of the nest followed by all the males who would marry her. Mating occurs in the air, after mating the male sperm will die and will be stored in the spermatheca (sperm sac) contained in the queen bee queen then returned to the nest. During mating hive worker bees prepare for laying queen.
Hatching Process
After mating, the queen bee will surround the nest to search for cells that are still vacant in strokes. A single egg is laid in the bottom of the cell. Tube containing the cell that has the eggs will be filled with honey and pollen by worker bees and will be closed after the full film which will be penetrated by adult occupants. To remove an egg it takes about 0.5 minutes, after issuing 30 eggs, the queen will break 6 seconds to eat. Tube type cells in strokes are:

Cells queen candidates, most large-sized, irregular and usually located on the edge of the nest.
Prospective stud cells, characterized by protruding cap and there is a black dot in the middle.
Cells prospective workers, small-sized, flat cap and the most numerous.
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Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Qabtay beeray, dhufanayasaa waa la waraabin

5. Bacriminta at Abuuritaan ama waxaa la siin karaa 7-15 maalmood ka dib marka laga beerto
6. Gooyaa wuxuu bilaabaa inuu foomka sida busta stem qalalan.
7. Falinjeeerka laanta ugu muhiimsan ee ay u kordhiyaan garaaca dheecaanku ka daadanaya ku

8. Gooyaa si loo kordhiyo danta
9. Ubax waxaa la waayay sabtoo ah ka xanaaqeen kicin formation of xiiso cusub.

Waqti wanaagsan oo ay u aasaan-aadanku waa bilowgii xilli-roobaadka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, beeritaanka oo dheryay ku la samayn karaa waqti kasta oo idil baahida biyaha damaanad qaaday ee. Marka aad qaadato guriga, ee dhowaan soo iibsatay dhirta guud ahaan of polybags waa la waraabin waa ilaa dhexdhexaad ah ee waa wax qoyan.
Ka hor inta lagu wareejiyo galay dheriyo, miraha ama dhirta ka waraabin jireen ilaa xad qoyan. Intaa waxaa dheer, polybags ilaa dhirta oo dhan iyo kuwa dhexe ee jeexan waxaa lagu isticmaali karaa ku darnaa ah oo uu soo buuxsamay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta. Qeybta kale ee warbaahinta ka dhigay hareeraha dhirta ka dibna si tartiib ah u bedesheen. Wixii Medier geedo, qayb ka mid okulasinya 5 cm waa in lagu kaligii talis ah oo dhulka. Haddii in ka yar in, biyaha noqon doonaa laamihiisa curdanka baxaya badan. Taa waxaa ka duwan, haddii xididdada ayaa sidoo kale u qoto dheer soo dhisi doono aan caadi ahayn. Recently, warbaahinta biyaha.

Intaa waxaa dheer in ay dayactir joogtada ah sida wa
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA raabinta maalin kasta, haramaha sii kordhaya oo dheryay ku waa in la nadiifiyo. FecundaciĆ³n sidoo kale qaadanayso inta ubax, ubax, iyo marka ubaxa doonaysid. Bacriminta The lagu taliyey Asili (5-10-5) 5 grams halkii geedka. Kii u horreeyey ayaa, la siiyo sidii 7-15 maalmood ka dib marka Abuuritaan ama soo transplanting. Labka iyo dheddiga kadib joogtada ah 3-4 bilood ama ku xeran tahay koriimada dhirta.
Daaweyntu waxay soo socota waa la gooyaa. Waxaa jira qaar ka mid ah ujeedooyinka falinjeeerka, kuwaas oo si aad u hesho foomka, wuxuu kobciyaa ubax, ubax dhalid iyo xajmiga ubaxa weynayn. Gooyaa waa in la sameeyaa bilowgii xilli qallalan.
Gooyaa sida caadiga ah waa maya foomka caadiga ah nooc kasta oo Rose. Ku bilow jarida asliga ah ama laamihiisa ee warshadda bilaabay height ah ee 7.5 cm laga soo dhulka dushiisa ama hartay ugu yaraan 5 burooyinkoodii. Waxay taasi dhalisay, 3-4 laamood hoose waxaa loo ogol yahay in ay koraan in la lamper mar kale dib 25-60 cm ee height, taas oo ku xidhan nooca xayawaankan. Noocyada dhufanayasaa in koraan sida fuule dheer, tudhay 60 cm, 45 nooc cm shaah hybrid, floribunda 37.5 cm, iyo 25 cm polyantha. Inta badan waaxyaha kale lamper il laba iyo gabal ugu korraysa, soo food saartay soo baxay in la dhowro in mudada soo socota ee koritaanka baxo.
Buruun si kicin sii daayo oo xiiso sameeyey by jarida ama saqaf ama laamood oo u engegay iyo gabal-buro,. Iska yaree laanta wax yar kor ku xus
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014an ee saldhiga ah ee jirida caleen ama laba ku hari. Jarida waxaa loo sameeyaa janjeerin 45 ° kor sare iyo burooyinkoodii isku midka ah. Qiyaastii 6-7 asbuuc ka dib, caleen - cusub caleemo doonaan soo raacay by ubax.

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Harvest TimeMulai kuwo mira dhal

Harvest TimeMulai kuwo mira dhal ka dib 2.5 sano iyo 5.5 bilood ka dib markii lagu karsado pollination. Waxaa la goyn karaa marka Jasa SEO Bergaransigeedka ayaa da'doodu u 31 bilood, ugu yaraan 60% ka mid ah midhaha ahaa goosashada u bislaaday, geedaha 1 of 5 rucubood oo u bislaaday goosashada miraha. Sifooyinka rucubood oo baaluq yihiin goostay ugu yaraan 5 qaybood oo dabacsan / fall of rucubood in miisaankoodu ka yar 10 kg ama ugu yaraan 10 xabbadood oo rucubood oo dabacsan oo miisaankeedu yahay 10 kg ah ama ka badan.
Acid u taabataa ciidda dhexdhexaad ah la samayn karaa by soo saaridda qalabka in la beddelo nooca dhulka ku Hannaan acid si dhexdhexaad ah, iyo wax waa la soo saaray karaa wax peat weydiinayo. Habka keliya ee lagu ogaan karaa by microbes ku nool cqaadir noole / jasat.
Waxaa jira noocyo kala of microbes in soo saari kartaa ensaymes fikraan awood isbedel lagu acidic in ay xeryahooda dhexdhexaad ah. The microbes laga helay dhirta in waa in aan la koray ee peat, laakiin laga helay kordhaya. Ka dib markii baaritaan ay muuqato inay jiraan microbes in ay yihiin sida kor lagu sharaxay. Wakhtigan microbes kuwaas ayaa lagu sameeyay horumar leh microbes kale ee sheyga ee "ku samayn Bio Technology" (bacriminta noolaha "P Bio 2000 Z", dhagaxyada ah bacriminta organic "Bio Dabiiciga ah" iyo dareere bacriminta organic "Phosmit"
. 3 halgalino si dabiici ah: taasi waxa ay caadiyan maamulka peatland in hab dabiici ah oo la beeray dhirtaasi ku haboon. Sida Kaararka waqtiga isku dayay leh dhir kale oo dheeraad ah oo kala duwan. Sida caadiga ah inta u dhaxaysa 5-sano sugida ee noocyada peatland D iyo E, halka C peatland iyo B waxay u baahan yihiin inta u dhaxaysa 5
Hosting Murahilaa 10 sano. Xataa for A iyo dhulka ka qayb B qaadatay muddo ka badan 10 sano.Muddada habka ugu wacan tahay shuruudaha iyo content victorious kiimikada u baahan in la bedelay si ay u dhigma shuruudaha koritaanka dhirta.Tusaale ahaan: Land acid baahan yahay in la Kipury; ka kooban yihiin celiyeyaasha geedka (macdanaha culus) cunsur baahan yahay in la beddelay xeryahooda ahayn sun ah, qalabka organic waa in aan qudhmi koronkorro.Nidaamkan waxa la ahaantii sameeya microbes si dabiici ah. Dhererka waqtiga loo baahan yahay in nidaamka this sabab u ah joogitaanka microbes yar, iyo xataa aan jirin. Iyada oo tiro yar oo ah heerarka guuleysiga noqon mid gaabis ah oo aan dhammaystirnayn oo sida la filayo.
Innovation waxaa loo sameeyaa "ku samayn Bio Technology" (bacriminta noolaha "P Bio 2000 Z", dhagaxyada ah bacriminta organic "Bio Dabiiciga ah" iyo dareere bacriminta organic "Phosmit" waa saad isku daray ee nuugista diyaar nafaqo iyo microbes loo isticmaalo sida maamulayaasha ciidda iyo dhirta kuwa waxay ka kooban tahay:
Domain Murah

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

How to grow crops.

. How to grow crops.1. Planting shade trees.Before planting in the first vanilla plants trees provide shade / protector and tree climbing.
For shade tree can also be used as well as tree climbing trees should be used that meets the following requirements:

Infomu1. Was not too dense.2. Countrymen legume which also can improve the situation and soil fertility.3. Having deep roots so it will not interfere with the vanilla plant roots.For shade trees / shade can be used like kapok tree, dadap, Mindi, Suren, lantoro and others. The best shade trees and can grow quickly is dadap tree, but because we need to hold leafy trimming.This shade trees should have been planted a year before planting vanilla, with the intention that already has leaves that are quite safe vanilla start planting.Shade trees planted at a distance of 1,5 x1, 5 meters.
1. Preparation of Soil.
1.1. Making Line
For the vanilla plantation land in advance for the wide strips of 80 cm and 1.50 m spacing between lines. Later on these pathways in plants dug holes with a size of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
1.2. Preparation of the planting hole

Joko warinoUpper soil excavation and digging down in a separate place on either side of the hole. Distance between holes of 1.50 x 1.50 m. The hole in the left open for 3-4 weeks to air the and after it closed again.
Each cover crops, manure or compost is given as much as 10-20 kg per plant protector.

2. P e m b i b i t a nVanilla can be multiplied by seed or cuttings of vines. For more quickly then planted with cuttings. The selection of seeds to be used as seed material must have properties such as:
- The trunk is healthy.- Age is old, about 10-15 years- High Production- The situation is fertile, strong and has a rapidly growing shoot tips.This plant in a well maintained and guarded in order not to produce fruit. With roads cut in order to keep issuing tendrils new branches will be in use cuttings seeds. Cuttings are having good books (sections) are located rather tightly to one another.Vines are still young and fertile and vigorous growth with a long shoot tip cuttings for the plant material is 50-75 cm and have eye / books and have a lifespan of less than 1 year, cuttings that would later be material / seeds used for nursery.
Cuttings can be planted directly in the wake obtained, or can also Seeding prior to planting in a fixed place of investment. In this case, made beds containing a mixture of river sand and soil or compost that has been cooked in a ratio of 1: 1 as thick as 40-50 cm. As the board is in use gravel or stone layer thick red ± 15 cm. Cuttings planted up to 2-3 ruasnya immersed in a mixture of sand and compost / soil (medium) ± 10 cm deep, and the distance between rows 25 cm. Under normal circumstances, the cuttings will grow after 3-4 weeks in the nursery / in perakarkan. Transfer to the garden can be done after the seedlings aged
Jasa SEO Terpercaya1-2 months.

Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

First of all is the land preparation

First of all is the land preparation . Land should be dug and the soil was turned so that the rest of the compounds and toxic gases can be lost cultivation . In addition, the land will be fertile and friable as aeration goes well .
During cultivation , fish require acidic conditions at pH 7-8 . To restore acidity , it must be done calcification . Liming can use lime , dolomite or zeolite with a dose of 1 ton / ha . The next step is fertilization .

Wisata Pulau PariFor TONS of fertilizer use because it can provide nutrients for the growth of natural food and improve soil structure and inhibit water infiltration in soil that is not water-resistant. TON fertilizer dose is 5 bottles / ha . The final step is to give water to a height of 80 cm or adjusted to the depth of the pool and left for days in order to grow plankton .
After plankto growth ( green water color ) , milkfish or seedlings transferred to rearing ponds with caution . Because milkfish milkfish fed herbivores then moss , algae and klekap . In order for the body quickly , love food that is manufactured with a dose of 2-5 cc NASA / kg feed in a way that is mixed with feed and a little water . Feed was given 3-5 times a day .
Milkfish is a fish that has a high tolerance to salinity that can live on the salinities 0-35 % . Fish farming is a commodity that is widely known and developed society . Cultivation technology is relatively easy and not a lot of constraints , the price is relatively high . Most farmers ( farmers ) just do milkfish aquaculture in ponds are quite spacious with traditional patterns .Utilization pond - pond in the community need to be wide enough to b
Obat pembesar Penis Vimaxoost the productivity . The addition of pellets as well as food additives and phytonplankton klekap using pellets in the hope that farmed fish faster thus speeding mengghasilkan big advantage .

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

beternak turtles brazil

beternak turtles brazilTortoise brazil including the types of water turtles , though they were happy to bask in the sun.but living tortoise in brazil spend more on water .green color of this tortoise is making a lot of people interested and keep them.
Investasia business opportunity that is very menjajikan beterak tortoise brazil .well its simple food , keeping even his simple enough .
The first step that is providing a

container or an area for a minimum of tortoise is a large body of 6kali given 10 % land and 90 % water
for spawning pool , the majority of nesting turtles finished dish is at its normal size .
so the pool should be sized 2x3 with lock in the middle of the pool to limit the water and sand .
earned in the sand can reach the tortoise easily or you can provide a bridge to turtle up to the land of sand .
also earned the sand to dry and never wet.
and you can put 2 40watt light bulb above ground land that later would be used as egg laying by Tortoise , grow lights distance of 10cm above ground
choose good indukan

good ole 2tahun average age of
Her body looks plump and clean her shell
looks healthy and lively
indukan of goodTransmitted distinguish tortoises brazil

seeding and treatment

ideally in one pool there are 2 females and 1 male ,
water in the outdoor conditions should always flowing , even his small , not too heavy , so that the water is clean but too quiet

Obat pembesar Penis Vimax    provide healthy food and litter pools , such as spinach , crickets , pellets etc. .
earned according to the portion that does not leave a residue that can contaminate food pool .
if it is . Wait a few days, then just below the lamp or ar