Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

How Successful Catfish Farming Business

How Successful Catfish Farming Business Type does have a lot of fans, because these fishes have a tasty meat, and do not have much duKabupaten Muaro Jambi with an area of ​​524 600 ha consists of 8 districts, sub-districts and 134 villages 4, is one of the main areas of 11 districts / cities in Jambi has the potential of aquaculture resources both in a large enough pool or along the Batang Hari river basin areas using container cages / net / KJA. JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA 
Based on the Report of the Department of Livestock and Fisheries Muaro Jambi in 2009, potential areas for aquaculture development efforts aquaculture ponds in Jambi Muaro recorded 980 ha with a utilization rate of 265 ha (27.1%), while potential areas for pegembangan cages / KJA recorded 16,000 units the utilization rate of 2,452 units (15.3%).

Catfish is a leading commodity / developed in the main pool. Starting in the village of New Tangkit Gelam River District in the early 2000s as many as 30 units, utilizing marginal land that is not productive for agricultural commodities, especially rice. The trial results provide benefits far more profitable than seeking agricultural commodities, so the growth of catfish ponds has increased rapidly both in terms of number of units and the addition of an area that is the center for the development of new areas in Pudak sntra Kumpe Ulu subdistrict.

In a relatively short period of time ie till 2005, the number of catfish ponds in the central region Tangkit reached 2,200 units with an average yield of 6-8 tons per day and as many as 1,850 Pudak Region unit.dengan average production per day 4 -5 tons. Yields and adequate profits can only be enjoyed by the fish farmers until the end of 2007. Fish feed (pellets) as a component of the highest production costs in an ever-increasing cultivation cost JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAs, resulting in gains of fish less and less, so it is necessary to attempt to lower production costs, among others, to create their own fish food, using raw materials available locally, use that fish feed machine is assembled with the appropriate technology.

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